A complete guide on how to change your Shopify store name

A complete guide on how to change your Shopify store name

Why should you change your Shopify store name and how do you do it: step by step guide, and its impact it has on SEO, customer support, and audience communication.
A complete guide on how to change your Shopify store name
Riccardo Russo | CEO
Riccardo Russo | CEO
January 5, 2024


In the dynamic world of e-commerce, where first impression is key, setting your Shopify store name is crucial.

Your store name serves as the initial gateway for customers into your Shopify store. It represents your identity, values, and the offer you extend to your audience.

As e-commerce businesses grow and establish market share, their names become even more important, especially for Search Engine Marketing. 

Owners research and carefully select their business names before registering, setting up websites, and creating marketing collateral to attract new customers. But sometimes, it becomes appropriate or even necessary to change your brand name

In particular, store owners feel the need for a store name that resonates with the current state of their brand.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of one such transformative journey: changing your store name on Shopify. 

The process is not merely a technical adjustment, but a strategic decision that can create a more impactful presence, fostering stronger connections with your audience.

Why Consider Changing Your Shopify Store Name?

As your business evolves and expands into new horizons, the growth experienced often leads to inevitable changes in brand identity

In order to grow further you have to “step up” your branding strategy.

Your store name, serving as a recognizable beacon for customers, may require adaptation to reflect this transformation. 

Here are the top 5 situations that may require you to change your Shopify store name.

  1. Alignment with Brand Identity:

Sometimes you need to properly align your store with your branding activities.

Ensuring that the store name encapsulates the essence of your current values, products, or mission is a primary consideration.

You want your customers to understand what you sell and why as soon as they read your store name.

  1. Rebranding Initiatives:

Rebranding, a common strategy to stay relevant and competitive, frequently involves changing the store name. 

This shift harmonizes with new aesthetics, target audiences, or updated market positioning, becoming a pivotal element of brand rejuvenation.

Rebrands, ranging from updated logos to comprehensive changes, often necessitate a name change when the current one no longer aligns with business goals.

This creates an opportunity to customize the entire store to fit the new brand.

  1. Legal Requirements:

Beyond brand evolution, legal necessities can prompt a change in your store name. 

Adjustments may be needed due to changes in legal structures or compliance with trademark considerations, fostering a secure and trustworthy online shopping environment.

In these situations, changing the name brand is not a deliberate decision, but it's a “forced” one to ensure legal compliance. 

  1. Acquiring Another Store:

Renaming may occur due to new ownership, reflecting the desire of new owners to infuse their own style into the store's design. 

Acquisitions can involve a straightforward “change of hands” or a complex integration with an existing store.

In these situations, re-branding activities are particularly complex because you want previous customers to keep buying from the store acquired.

One way to do that is to redirect existing customers to your new website or to communicate to them that you've acquired the previous store.

  1. Updating a misleading Name:

If a store's name is misleading or similar to another domain, it can produce high bounce rates.

Updating the name to accurately represent the store's identity and offerings prevents confusion among potential customers.

Remember that providing clarity in the shopping experience is crucial.

Contemplating a change in your Shopify store name is not merely about altering a few characters. It's a strategic decision in your brand's aspect and communication.

This decision can significantly impact how your business is perceived, how customers interact with it, and ultimately, its success in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Embarking on the journey to change your Shopify store name requires a thoughtful and systematic approach. 

And can also be quite complex.

This is why we've created a step-by-step guide to help you change your Shopify store name.

But before we start with the step-by-step guide you should know the difference between your store name and your Shopify store domain.

If it’s not clear to you, don’t worry, keep reading!

Difference Between Your Shopify Store Name and Domain

When navigating the Shopify ecosystem, it's essential to discern the difference between your store's name and its domain. 

Let's dissect this. 

Think of your store name as the eye-catching title on the cover of your e-commerce homepage: memorable, catchy, and a true representation of your brand's personality. 

Conversely, the domain acts as the digital address, comparable to a book's ISBN, indicating the precise location of your store in the online realm.

Imagine your store name as the inviting cover, drawing in shoppers, while the domain is the specific spot on the “virtual shelf”. 

Creating a great store name is about being creative and resonating with the market, like designing an appealing book cover.
Choosing a domain is more technical, similar to picking the right spot for your store online.

All clear?
Ok, now we can start with the step-by-step guide!

  1. Access Your Shopify Admin:

Begin by logging into your Shopify admin dashboard, the central hub for managing your store's settings.

  1. Navigate to Settings:

Once inside the admin panel, locate and click on 'Settings',  the gateway to various configuration options.

Shopify Store Settings to change your store name
Shopify Store Settings to change your store name
  1. Edit your store name:

In the 'General' section or 'Store details', find the current store name. Edit this field to update the new store name that aligns with your evolving brand identity.

  1. Save changes:

After modifying the store name, save your changes. This ensures that the new identity is officially adopted across your Shopify store.

Aaannddd… done!

Congrats, you’ve changed your Shopify store name.

Anyway, before you do it, we suggest you keep reading this article to understand how to complete this process efficiently. 

Additional Considerations:

Before changing your Shopify Store name, remember that this process has some consequences on your customer experience and digital marketing activities.

Here are the 3 main aspects you should consider.

SEO effects

Recognize that changing your store name has an impact on SEO.
You should update meta titles and descriptions to maintain consistency in search engine results.

Also, remember to implement 301 redirects from the old store URL to the new one. If there’s no URL redirect, customers will land on an error page, which is frustrating for them and bad news for you. URL redirects will easily transfer customers who try to visit your previous domain to your new one.

This strategic move safeguards your SEO rankings during the transition.

Since SEO can be a great traffic channel, remember to complete the mentioned adjustments to avoid sudden decreases in website traffic.

Offering customer support

Most of your customers can be confused by your name change. This confusion is amplified if you’re completing a re-branding activity, you’re adding several products to your store or you’re acquiring another one. This is why having great customer support is crucial to avoid sudden decreases in conversion rates.

Remember to keep your customer support constantly active. But doing that costs a lot, I know. This is why you should use chatbots. AI chatbots like TextYess are available 24/7, 365 days a year, and don’t need to follow standard office working hours. 

This unique tool ensures that customer needs are addressed promptly, regardless of time zones, contributing to increased customer satisfaction. This is a key benefit.

64% of consumers claim that the best feature of chatbots is their availability 24/7.

Automate customer care with AI on Whatsapp
Automate customer care with AI on Whatsapp

Notify your audience 

Finally, we emphasize the importance of updating your customers about your new store name across social media channels and emails for a cohesive online presence.

Keeping your audience informed about the name change through newsletters or social media posts, ensures a smooth transition in their perception of your brand.

By combining the step-by-step guide outlined, with the additional considerations and insights, you can confidently navigate the process of changing your Shopify store name. 

This harmonized approach not only streamlines the technical steps but also addresses the broader aspects of maintaining brand consistency and customer communication throughout the transition. 

Can’t find the right name for your Shopify Store? 

By the way, if you’re trying to change your Shopify Store name, but you are struggling to come up with a great name don’t worry! Shopify has the perfect tool for you.

It’s called “Business Name Idea Generator” and will help you generate ideas for your e-commerce store.

Another great tool is ChatGPT or other Generative AI tools that can help you to ideate great store names. 

If you’re using an AI tool, remember to write a detailed prompt, by describing what you’re selling, how you do it, and your branding elements (like your Unique Selling Proposition, your payoff, and so on..) 

Shopify Business Name Generator
Shopify Business Name Generator


Changing your Shopify store name is a strategic decision that requires careful consideration and proper execution. 

Whether it's driven by brand evolution, rebranding initiatives, or legal requirements, following a structured process is key. This article has provided you with comprehensive insights and step-by-step guides to simplify the process.  Remember to consider SEO implications, update meta titles and descriptions, and implement redirects for a seamless transition.

Besides that, you should remember to always keep updated your audience about your re-branding activities and/or your store changes.

During this process, it is fundamental to have clear communication and great customer support.

In conclusion, embracing a new store name is an opportunity to revitalize your brand and better connect with your audience. 

By following these expert recommendations, you can navigate the process smoothly and ensure a successful transition to a refreshed and relevant store identity. 

Happy rebranding!